Welcome to ABATE of Florida, Inc.


Advertise to Members across the state of Florida. This add will cover the amount of time and size that you select in the options. This must be paid in advance to get this price for the 1 year. All items submitted becomes the property of ABATE of Florida, Inc. Must be completed and ready to post to the website.

Please do not submit slanderous or accusing letters, profanity of nudity.

ABATE of Florida, Inc. will not accept any advertising that discriminates against any type of motorcyclist, opinions and comments in this ad.
Submission dateline is the 20th of the month and add will run from the 1st to the 31st or last day of the following month.

ABATE of Florida, Inc. Reserve the rights to accept or reject any advertiser at discretion of the State Board of Directors.
Please fill out an advertisement application and email to Flabatestateoffice@gmail.com
Questions please call Brandy 386-943-9610
