Welcome to ABATE of Florida, Inc.

Sponsorship Level Details


Sponsor Us Today!

Thank you for supporting Motorcycle Rights in the State of Florida. We are 2nd in America for motorcycle riders.


Diamond Level Sponsor

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Diamond Sponsors will receive: Advertised/promoted by Local Chapters in their area, a Plaque for our Gratitude, patch/pin/sticker, Advertising in Masterlink (2 Full pages), Facebook, Website (full page), Invitation to speak at a Delegate Meeting, Acknowledgement and Promotion at Local or State Events, and an Annual Chapter membership for 2 representatives at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).


Platinum Level Sponsor

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Platinum Sponsors will receive: Advertised/promoted by Local Chapters in their area, a Plaque for our Gratitude, patch/pin/sticker, Advertising in Masterlink (full page), FaceBook, Website, Recognition at a Delegate Meeting, Acknowledgement and Promotion at State/Local Events, and an Annual Chapter membership for 2 representatives at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).


Gold Level Sponsor

★ ★ ★ ★

Gold Sponsors will receive: a Plaque for our Gratitude, patch/pin/sticker, Advertising in all areas – Masterlink, FaceBook, Website (1/2 page) Recognition at a Delegate Meeting, Promoted at Events and an Annual Chapter membership for 1 representative at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).


Silver Level Sponsor

★ ★ ★

Silver Sponsors will receive: a Plaque for our Gratitude, patch/pin/sticker?, Advertising in all areas – Masterlink, FaceBook, Website (1/4 page), an Annual Chapter membership for 1 representative at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).


Bronze Level Sponsor

★ ★

Bronze Sponsors will receive: a Plaque for our Gratitude, patch/pin/sticker, Advertising in all areas – Masterlink, FaceBook, Website (business card size), and an Annual Chapter membership for 1 representative at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).

Local Level Sponsor

Local Sponsors will receive: a patch/pin/sticker, mentioned in all areas – Masterlink, FaceBook, Website and an Annual Chapter membership for 1 representative at their desired Chapter giving them Chapter voting rights which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy ($4,000).


Phone: (386) 943-9610
Cell: (850) 485-3853

P.O. Box 614 Cantonment, FL 32533